
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a therapy where hair-thin needles are inserted throughout the body with the purpose of balancing the energies in the body or to influence muscle tone in order to treat a variety of conditions including: pain, fertility, digestive issues, mood disorders, heart issues and more.

Where does Acupuncture come from?

Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as other parts of Asia and has been utilized as an effective treatment for over 2,000 years. Traditional Chinese Doctors used to have salary based on patient’s health which was reduced when patients fell ill and was, therefore, a large component of preventating illness.

How does it work?
The ancient Chinese believed in a lifeforce energy called Qi. This lifeforce energy flows through different channels called meridians. When there is proper flow, there is health but when the meridians become blocked, health issues appear. Oftentimes, the meridians can be felt to be blocked prior to having symptoms like how high cholesterol can be measured before having heart issues. This can be seen through careful examination of a patient and through pulse and tongue diagnosis done at every session.

Does it hurt?
Some people experience mild discomfort from the needles insertion however this usually resolves matter of seconds. Afterwards, the needles may have an even mildler sensation signifying Qi motion in the body.