Botanical Medicine


What is Botanical Medicine?
Botanical Medicine, also known as Herbal Medicine, is a treatment system based on the use of plants or extracts of plants in order to treat illness. This may be in the form of capsules, tinctures, teas, or topicals on the skin. Botanical medicine has been used in ancient times to treat nearly every single illness. Done properly, Botanical Medicine may be used to treat hypertension, kidney issues, digestive issues, high cholesterol, circulatory issues, libido concerns, and more!

What are the differences between plants and drugs?
The origin of many pharmaceuticals are plants and so their efficacy is strongly suggestive. The difference is that plants contain various substances which may help to mitigate the side effect seen with pharmaceutical therapies.

Do I need to worry about any side effects?
Naturopathic Doctors have extensive training in both botanical medicine as well as pharmaceutical therapies. NDs are trained to recognized potential drug/botanical interactions. It is important that you should see a licensed practitioner in order to provide care for utilizing herbal therapies alongside pharmaceuticals.