ABOUT Our Team


Dr. Phuc-Thanh Nguyen, ND(AB), MD(IMG-USA), CBP

Dr. Phuc-Thanh Nguyen is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor in Alberta.

Dr. Nguyen began his career in medicine by attending and training in various international medical platforms. Upon earning the title of Medical Doctor (MD), Dr. Nguyen further pursued his passion for healing at a root level and help individuals find the freedom to live fuller lives. Upon finishing his education in the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine program, he obtained his degree to become a Naturopathic Doctor (ND).

Dr. Nguyen’s training in Applied Kinesiology and Bowen Therapy further led him to explore other avenues of healing including: physical hands-on methods, emotional release, nutritional and supplemental recommendations, and various energetic approaches for complete holistic care.

Learn more.


Dr. Saimah Khan is a Licensed Naturopathic Doctor who received her training at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic, the Queen West Toronto Central Community Health Centre, and the Parkdale Community Health Centre.

For over two decades, her focus has been to optimize health naturally through preventative and effective evidence-informed medicine.

She endeavours to embody the Naturopathic Medicine principle of "Docere" which means "Doctor as Teacher" and shares self-empowering education with her patients.